
Blockchain wallet litecoin
Blockchain wallet litecoin

blockchain wallet litecoin

Personally, I created the coin to have something tangible in the cryptocurrency space that I can call my own.

blockchain wallet litecoin

Using this codebase as a starting point, we can ensure that we will start off with something at least as good as the origin, with plenty of pre-existing documentation to guide us along the way.Īs a result of going through this journey myself, I was able to create my own operational cryptocurrency by the working name " faithcoin ". Litecoin actually began as a fork of bitcoin and there will be many parallels drawn to this fact as we outline the processes for creating your own. You may wonder why would anyone want to create a cryptocurrency based on something that already exists? The reality is that "most" cryptocurrencies share at least some form of ancestry with something that came before it. Whatthefluxable's "Make Your Own Cryptocurrency" video seriesĪs mentioned in the introduction, we will be working with the latest Litecoin v0.15 release.Shakezula's "How To Clone Scrypt Based Altcoins" guide.Bear's "How to make an altcoin" blog post.Aside from source code, my success was mostly derived using pieces of information contained within the following resources: Tutorials exist, although many focus on outdated versions of Bitcoin/Litecoin and often leave out vital information to successfully create an operational clone.

blockchain wallet litecoin

One of the initial issues and a key motivations for this very article has to do with the lack of information regarding cryptocurrency creation in general, especially when working with modern crytpocurrency codebases. You may have your own reasons, but like many on Hackster, I really just wanted to see how this stuff really works under the hood. I knew that this process would bring me closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms of cryptocurrency in general, and allow me to view and understand the technology from it's operational perspective. Personally, I had always had an interest in creating my own cryptocurrency mostly to earn the privilege of being a creator in the space. This created quite a buzz in many tech communities, hacker hangouts, and popular media outlets. Over the 2017 Winter break, cryptocurrency hit the mainstream due in part to Bitcoin reaching a valuation of over $10,000. It is my hope that this knowledge enables some individuals to create their own cryptocurrency through application of the information contained herein. I have done my best to include very clear instructions in all steps to ensure that most readers are able to reproduce the content successfully.

blockchain wallet litecoin

Please be aware that this content will require some working knowledge of C++, Server Ops, Docker, and usage of general purpose programming tools. The overall process isn't too difficult once you know where all the moving pieces are and how they fit into the operation of a blockchain based cryptocurrency. This article will cover everything needed to create your own cryptocurrency based on the current Litecoin v.015 codebase.

Blockchain wallet litecoin